Dr. Pham Van Phong

  1. Name: Dr. Pham Van PHONG
  2. Birthday:
  3. Hometown:
  4. Current accommodation:
  5. Department: Organic Chemistry
  6. Office phone: +84 43-825-3503
  7. Home phone:
  8. Mobile: +84 96-339-8889
  9. Email: [email protected]

- Postdoc/exchanging scholar:
      University of California, Berkeley (2011-2012)
      University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (2010-2011)
- PhD:
     Princeton University, NJ (2006-2010)
     California Institute of Technology, CA (2005-2006)
- M.S:  VNU-University of Science (2000-2002)
- B.S/B.A:    VNU-University of Science (1996-2000)

  • Highgest position: Deputy Dean, Chair of Dept
  • Scientific Association: Organic Chemistry Division
Dr. Phong V. Pham was born in Hanoi, Vietnam in 1979. He received his undergraduate degree in chemistry at the Vietnam National University, where he worked with Prof. Thao M. Nguyen.

In 2005, he left Vietnam to begin his doctoral studies under the direction of Professor David W. C. MacMillan the California Institute of Technology, CA and then Princeton University, NJ, USA. During this time, he focused on the development of new reaction methodology directed toward the Carbon–Carbon bond formation via catalytic electrophilic radical intermediates. Upon receiving his Ph.D Degree, Pham accepted a position with Professor John F. Hartwig at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, then University of California at Berkeley from 2010 to 2012. His postdoctoral studies centered on transition metal catalysis, in particular, the design and development of Carbon-Carbon bond formation via palladium catalysts.

Phong came back as a member of the chemistry faculty at the Vietnam National University to establish his independent research career in August 2012. His group's research interests for undergraduate students centered around new catalytic approaches to synthesize biologically active compounds based on hybrid natural products. Recently, Pham has initiated the study on the efficiently activated transition state concept in green catalysis. Besides spending time in the lab or training smart students, he loves spending time with his wife and kids. You can contact him at phvpham (at) hus (dot) edu (dot) vn.

With Dave MacMillan:
  1. Pham, P. V.; Nagib, D. A; MacMillan, D. W. C. Photoredox Catalysis: A Mild, Operationally Simple Approach to the Synthesis of a-Trifluoromethyl Carbonyls. Angew. Chem, Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 6119-6122.
  2. Pham, P. V.; Ashton, K.; MacMillan, D. W. C. The Intramolecular Asymmetric Allylation of Aldehydes via Organo-SOMO Catalysis: A Novel Approach to Ring Construction. Chem. Sci. 2011, 2, 1470-1473.
